Karen_Pic1Hi, I am Karen Brockman

Personal and Development Life Coach

I am a graduate of Emerson College, Boston, Mass. with a B.S. in Speech Pathology, Audiology and Communication. I earned a Masters in Counseling from Fairfield University, Fairfield Ct. in 1999. I am a Certified Life Coach because of my personal and professional experiences and my passion for helping others fulfill their dreams and goals. My journey began when my daughter was diagnosed with a chronic illness at age 7. She spent from age 7 until age 15 in the hospital for months at a time. This affected our entire family especially my younger son. Although I was fortunate to have all my family around to help he felt “left out” as he couldn’t understand why his sister was getting so much attention and presents and he was not. This also affected my husband and I as he had to work and I was at there hospital with Melissa. It was while I was at the hospital that I realized there were no support groups for wither the children or their parents. So began my journey into “ the Helping profession,” I started support groups for the children and their parents so that they both could talk about what they were dealing with each day. I continued these groups even after my daughters last hospital stay. This became a passion for me and was leading me towards a gift and life I didn’t realize existed.

Besides having a daughter with a chronic illness, we moves to CT. in 1987 because of a job change for my husband. My son Scott was only 16&1/2 and had no idea how much this transition would affect us all. In life there are no coincidences and I began working for a doctor who was aware of the difficulty my son and I were having making new friends in this town. He suggested I may want to go back to school and obtain my Masters in Counseling so that I could do counseling on a professional level. I began counseling in the Mental Health area, people from the ages of 20 to 70 years of age. I provided individual and groups counseling. As life so often happens I was offered a position to be a counselor for people with Alcohol and Drug Addictions. In 2010 we move to Long Beach, CA. where I began working at an inpatient facility counseling both men and women with Alcohol and Drug Addictions. In my journey to Life Coaching  guiding people in Recovery, with Co-dependency Issues,  in Life Transition,  facilitating Meditation and Guided Imagery, both individually and in groups.

I have overcome my own obstacles of physical struggles that gave me the strength and perseverance, trying never to “give up” when I felt an attack of the “sorry’s” for myself.

My passion for coaching comes from my own spirituality and love of life, knowing I can collaborate with you in helping reach your process of growth and self-realization, focusing on your goals and dreams. I am passionate about empowering people who are looking to overcome obstacles in their life, eliminate unhealthy habits and change negative thought patterns into positive ones in order to achieve success.

The coaching/ client relationship is focused on designing a unique action plan-specifically for you- enabling you to get the results you desire.

